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Uttarakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yoiana (UMSVY)


Uttarakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yoiana (UMSVY)

Guidance for developing a proposal for assistance from uttarakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yojana (FY 2005-06)

 Philosophy of Uttarakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yoiana (UMSVY)

Uttarakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yojana was conceived to be a nursery for experimenting with ideas about meeting the special needs of mountain women, exploiting the strengths of mountain women, and devising suitable schemes which would benefit women, particularly schemes that enable women to participate more fully in all aspects of human endeavour. 

The key principles to be observed whilst formulating proposals for consideration of funding from UMSVY are:

1. Sustainability, implying that any programme or service should continue after cessation of funding under UMSVY, for a period which should be at least the same, if not more, as the period of time for which the project is supported by UMSVY

2. Ownership, implying that the local community or Panchayat or Community Based Organization (such as a Self Help Group, Van Panchayat, User Group, Cooperative Society) should be involved in the planning and execution of the initiative. The project should be conceptualized as a partnership with the Iocal community and ought to be developed by an open consultative process.

3. Inclusiveness, implying that there should be a conscious attempt to reach out to marginalized groups. In addition, there should be a conscious attempt to secure the participation of the private sector and civil society.

4. Accountability, implying that there should be at the project site or project area, all the necessary staff, facilities, funds necessary to ensure accountability to the community and there should be in built mechanisms to share experiences of the project and the accounts and records of the projects with the stakeholders and other interested persons. Provision should also be made in the proposal to fund an external, independent evaluation of the project, both concurrently as well as on termination.

5. Emphasis on results, implying that the project should concretize the benefits that the project will bring to the local community or to the Government and these benefits should be quantified, to the extent possible. The results of the project should be well understood and accepted by the stakeholders prior to the commencement of the project, so that the 'success' or 'failure' parameters are well understood by all concerned.

6. Incremental and synergetic, implying that the project should acknowledge and take into account all the available funds and resources in the project area and should ideally build upon or integrate with existing programmes and policies, It should be the Endeavour of the project to utilize the available programmes, services, institutions, funds and other resources, particularly that available to the Panchayats or Urban Local Bodies.

7. Innovative and model building, implying that the project should aim to apply fresh and new techniques, methods and technologies and aim to secure recognition, if not co-funding, from national and international institutions.

8. Each project should have an in built component for women empowerment activities, women's health, and, where possible, recreation and drudgery reduction.

       Objectives for which UMSVY funds may be Sought 

-         Drudgery reduction

-         Empowerment of women

-         Imparting of self employment or job employment skills

-         Creation of women specific infrastructure

-         Development of women friendly technologies

-         Support to women led initiatives to enhance the participation of women in social, economic and political activities.

-         Legal literacy and awareness generation

-         Assistance to secure and defend the rights of women

-         Assistance to combat all forms of discrimination against women

-         Assistance for strengthening support services for women

-         Support for activities related to health and development of girls       and women

-         Promotion of women entrepreneurship

-         Support to women self help groups

-         Support for enhancing education of girls and women

-         Research, surveys, evaluation, studies, publications and advocacy on women related issues

-        Gap filling, where required, in existing schemes for women or schemes impacting on women 

Suggested formatting of proposal 

A.  Purpose and Objective:

 Describe the policy environment of the Government for the activity and, where applicable, for the beneficiaries (viz. Scheduled Caste beneficiaries) or project area (viz. Border Area, Tribal Area). State the initiatives already taken by the proposer/ Panchayat, line Department, NGO/CBO/SHG in the intended field of activity. State how the specific goals of the project relate to the goals of National or State policy. Where possible identify beneficiaries, disaggregated by social status (SC/ST/OBC/Minority) and economic status (income level, household assets, land holding, sources of family income, livestock holding, etc.) and age. State the desired outcomes on successful completion of project (best and low estimates).State intermediate goals that will be achieved even if the outcomes are not of the desired level. Indicate milestones to be achieved for release of funds over the course of the project. State the time required for completion of project.

B. Justification: Explain why the proposed activity is a high priority. Explain the key impediments that have prevented the community in attaining the desired outcome with existing institutions and resources and how the project aims to overcome these impediments. Explain why the project has a high likelihood of success and the opportunities and risk factors. If possible, describe and compare with similar development initiatives elsewhere in the country or State.

C. Consultative process: Describe the consultative process used to develop the proposal, particularly the perspective of the local community. Specifically state if consultation with local Panchayat, SHG/CBO/NGO took place. Name all Government officials who played a significant role in developing the proposal.

D. Implementation: Describe the institutional framework proposed for implementing the project. Be specific about the roles and responsibilities of different levels of implementing staff/volunteers. Be clear about the command and control structure regarding administration, accounts, programme objectives, and monitoring. State the process by which staff will be engaged for the project and their expected qualification and remuneration. Describe the process to be used for procurement of goods and services, including solicitation, review and selection of vendors. Explain how procurement procedures will be open, fair and competitive. Please state where project implementation sites will be located, providing preferably an address, telephone number and name of staff available at that location. In this section, the sequence in which the activities will be conducted and all other relevant implementation details will be provided. The time table of activities will be described and milestones indicated. 

E.   Costs and Financing: Provide cost tables for each item of expenditure, indicating the basis of the estimate (comparative cost data or historical cost data should be provided wherever possible). Provide quarterly financial flow statement, indicating the source and application of funds. Please indicate cost of the project per beneficiary, share of project resources that will be used for cash/ asset transfer in the hands of the beneficiaries, share of the project resources that will be spent on capital account, share of project resources from user fees (from beneficiaries and others), other Government programmes, institutional finance, Panchayat funds and proposer. Please note that generally economic activities will not be subsidized. Also, where training is to be provided, no stipend will be payable to trainees.

F. Fiscal Accountability: A fiscal accountability plan should be prepared indicating the steps to be taken for the safe custody of funds, their authorized drawal. Describe the documentation that will be maintained to track the drawal and usage of funds and the safe keeping of the bills, vouchers, ledgers, books and other papers that will be shown for audit by the Accountant General. Describe how internal controls will be made to adhere to Generally Accepted Accounting Standards and Systems and how the accounting system will have the ability to generate timely and meaningful reports, timely payment of wages and prompt payment to vendors. Please indicate funds allocated for external/special audit by an Auditor appointed by UMSVY.

G. Monitoring and Evaluation: Provide a plan by which progress towards achievement of project objectives can be measured from time to time. Please include, where feasible, methods by which the project can be monitored by the beneficiaries themselves or by the local community or Panchayat. Please provide baseline data, where available. Indicate output measures, targets that contribute to achieving intermediate outcomes and milestones and the indicators to measure progress towards achieving each goal of the project. Comment on how the performance measures can be crosschecked and verified. Describe how performance data will be collected and validated. Provide funds for independent external concurrent and term evaluation by an agency or consultant commissioned by UMSVY.

H. Sustainability strategy: Describe your strategy to sustain the progress made by the project after its expiration.

I:   Transparency: Describe how information about the project will be available to the general public and the means to access that information. Describe the project's proposed plan for dissemination of information about itself, including planned visits by media/ elected public representatives.

J.  Other factors for consideration: Attach with your proposal any relevant study, research, evaluation, recommendation or other testimonial. Though not mandatory, it is advisable to have the project proposal independently reviewed either by a peer organization or technical/academic research organization or an expert in the field. 



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