Hit Counter0003067134Since: 06-09-2012
According to census 2011, the number of female in Uttarakhand is 4962574, which is about one percent of total female population of our country. Our women are famous for active participation in social & environmental movements, despite the fact that their lives mostly revolve around fuel, fodder and water. Against the male literacy rate of 88.33 percent, the female literacy rate stands at 70.70 percent thus women lag behind by a wide gap of 17.63 percent in literacy.
The overall sex ratio of Uttarakhand is 963 females per 1000 males however in population up to 6 years, the sex ratio is 886. Despite this it is interesting to note that out of total 13 districts, females exceed in numbers to males in 08 districts.The Decadal growth rate of Uttaranchal has one down to 19.17 (2001-2011) from 19.20 (1991-2001).
According to NFHS-II, only 54.3 percent women of Uttarakhand are involved in decisions about their own health; percentage of births of order 3 and above is 46.5; percentage of births within 24 months of previous birth is 24.8; about 45.8 percent births are assisted by Traditional Birth Attendants; 45.2 percent women suffer from anaemia.
Beside I.C.D.S., Swashakti & Swayamsidha schemes, Uttarakhand has initiated Uttarakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yojana which is envisaged to be a nursery for innovations for betterment of quality of life of Uttarakhandi women. Apart from this, Women Empowerment and Child Development Department is running so many schemes to empower women and adolescent girls through central and state sponsored schemes.