Common Man’s Interface For  Welfare Schemes(External Website that opens in a new window)

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A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances

A. Introduction

Although Indian family as a social institution is well known for the emotional and physical support that it provides to its extended members, many a time it fails to respond to the needs of women, specially for women in difficult circumstance like widows, destitute and deserted women, women ex-prisoners, victims of sexual abuse and crimes, including those trafficked and rescued from brothels, migrant or refugee women who have been rendered homeless due to natural calamities like flood, cyclone, earthquake, mentally challenged women, women victims of terrorist violence etc. Often the support of immediate or extended family are not available due to reasons ranging from economic instability of the family to provide such support to the breakdown of joint family system to the social bias against the marginalized women as also the attitude and value attached to such women. Sometimes society itself drives such women out of the system to lead lives of sub human existence. More often vulnerable women in distress end up as beggars or prostitutes for their own survival and at times for survivals and maintenance of their dependent children.

Very limited State intervention available through old age home, short stay home, Nari Niketan etc, cover only a fringe of the problems of such women. Therefore a scheme known as ‘Swadhar’ has been designed with a more flexible and innovative approach to cater to the requirement of various types of women in distress in diverse situations under different conditions. The Swadhar Scheme purports to address the specific vulnerability of each of group of women in difficult circumstances through a Home-based holistic and integrated approach.

B. Objective

The following shall be the objectives of the scheme:

  1. To provide primary need of shelter, food, clothing and care to the marginalized women/girls living in difficult circumstances who are without any social and economic support;
  2. To provide emotional support and counseling to such women;
  3. To rehabilitate them socially and economically through education, awareness, skill up gradation and personality development through behavioral training etc.;
  4. To arrange for specific clinical, legal and other support for women/girls in need of those intervention by linking and networking with other organizations in both Govt. & Non- Govt. sector on case to case basis;
  5. To provide for help line or other facilities to such women in distress; and
  6. To provide such other services as will be required for the support and rehabilitation to such women in distress.

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