Hit Counter0003006609Since: 06-09-2012
(I) Drudgery Reduction
(a) Fodder Development
Plantation of improved fodder species on bunds, community land, wasteland, and catchments areas. Demonstration of innovative fodder development techniques, e.g.-urea treatment of straw.
Technical Consultation- ULDB, Organic Board, Bhainswara Farm Almora, GBPUAT, etc.
(b) Fuel
Plantation of improved fodder species on bunds, community land, wasteland, and catchments areas. Promotion of LPG, Gober Gas, Solar Energy, and other source of conventional energy which can reduce drudgery hours, e.g.- pressure cooker, etc.
Technical Consultation – G.B. Pant, UREDA, HESCO, etc.
(c) Water Conservation
Construction of Rain Water Harvesting Tanks, Ferro-cement Tanks, etc.
Renovation of traditional water resources, e.g.- Naula, Gul, and hand pumps, etc.
Technical Consultation – Irrigation Deptt., Swajal Project, Mirtola Ashram, SRRTT, PSI, GBPUAT etc.
(d) Other Measures
Demonstration and extension of tools and technologies development by Research Institutions/Universities/NGOs/Resource person etc for reducing drudgery in in-house as well as out-door works.
Technical Consultation – GBPUAT, VPKAS, Himanchal University, etc.
Tools- Field activities, awareness drive, Training, Workshop, low cost assets, demonstration, exposure visits, etc.
(II) Social Empowerment
Communication & networking, leadership development, decision making, conflict management and organization development etc.
Tools- Awareness drive, Training, Workshop, exposure visits etc.
(III) Economic Empowerment
(a) Animal Husbandry Activities
Poultry, goatry, piggery farming, dairy, bee-keeping
(b) Horticultural Activities
Off season vegetable cultivation, mushroom cultivation, medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation, spices cultivation & floriculture, IGA units etc.
(c) Agriculture Activities
Cultivation of high yielding agriculture varieties, diversification in agro-economy, wormi-composting, seed production
(d) Other Activities
Candle and Scent sticks making, soft toys making, packaging, grading and marketing of agri-horticultural and non agri-horticultural produces.
Tools- Field activities, awareness drive, Training, Workshop, tools & assets, demonstrations exposure visits etc.
Technical Consultation – GBPUAT, VPKAS, NBPGR, Line Departments, etc.