Various Formats
Flagship Schemes
Right to service Act 2011
Budget Allotment
Uttarakhand Commission for Protection of Child Rights
Protection Officer Contact No.
Hit Counter0003072212Since: 06-09-2012
Uttarakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yojana was conceived to be a nursery for experimenting with ideas about meeting the special needs of mountain women, exploiting the strength of mountain women, and devising suitable schemes which benefit women, particularly schemes that enable women to participate more fully in women endeavor.
The Key principles to be observed whilst formulating proposals for consideration of funding from UMSVY are:
- Sustainability, implying that any programme or service should continue after cessation for funding under USMVY, for a period which should be at least the same, if not more, as the period of time for which the project is supported by UMSVY.
- Ownership, implying that the local community or Panchayat or Community Based Organization (such as Self Help Group, Van Panchayat, User Group, Federation, Coorperative Societies) should be involved in the planning and execution of the initiative. The project should be conceptualized as a partnership with the local community and ought to be developed by an open consultative process.
- Inclusiveness, implying that there should be a conscious attempt to reach out to marginalized groups. In addition, there should be a conscious attempt to secure the participation of the private sector and civil society.
- Accountability, implying that there should be at the project site or project area, all the necessary staff, facilities, funds necessary to ensure accountability to the community and there should be in built mechanisms to share experiences of the project and the accounts and records or the project with the stakeholders and other interested persons. Provision should also be made in the proposal to fund an external, independent evaluation of the project, both concurrently as well as on termination.
- Emphasis on result, implying that the project should concretize the benefits that the project will bring to the local community or to the Government and these benefits should be quantified, to the extend possible. The results of the project should be well understood and accepted by the stakeholders prior to the commencement of the project, so that the 'success' or 'failure' parameters are well understood by all concerned.
- Incremental and synergetic, implying that the project should acknowledge and take into account all the available funds and resources in the project area and should ideally build upon or integrate with existing programmes and policies, It should be the endeavor of the project to utilize the available programmes, services, institutions, funds and other resources, particularly that available to the Panchayats or Urban Local Bodies.
- Innovative and model building, implying that the project should aim to apply fresh and new techniques, methods and technologies and aim to secure recognition, if not co-funding, from national and international institutions.
- Performance Indicator, Each project should have an inbuilt component & performance indicators for women empowerment activities, women's health, and where possible, recreation and drudgery reduction.
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